If these eyeballs are filled with formalin solution in a glass jar, people who see them will think that they are organ markers taken from someone rather than a dangerous "meme"

"After I separated the meme from the host, I accidentally found that the meme seemed to have lost its staining, but I made an accurate judgment," Ke Lan told the headquarters.
"What makes you feel that memes lose their staining after being separated from the host?" Schroeder immediately asked
"Because this eyeball was’ dead’ at the moment it was picked … when I looked at those’ living’ eyeballs, I would feel stared at. Although I was not infected, I would feel that Mao Mao was a’ dead’ eyeball, but it would not give me this feeling."
"We need a high-definition picture of the front of the’ dead’ eyeball. Remember to lose the encrypted channel," Schroeder said.
Kelan knew that Schroeder asked himself for this picture in order to verify his guess-in the verification method, naturally, it was to find a living person as an experiment to let him look directly at the unprocessed picture.
This verification method is cruel and even inhuman, but it is also the most efficient and accurate.
Many people have died since the "meme-infected" incident broke out, and their lives are very valuable, whether they are professors in the research institute or senior officials in the crisis management department, the security bureau and the military. Although Ke Lan believes that all people are born equal, he has to admit that the "value" between people is really as different as a natural barrier.
The life value of a miner who didn’t finish his studies in Lianyi education stage is at most several hundred tons of unrefined coarse ore. If he wants to do everything, he can be counted as an "experimental body" in a sick village at most. However, the new mining equipment issued by a researcher in the Equipment Department can make the "output" of each of these miners rise several times, but it is more than a dozen times. It is easy to see which is higher or lower.
If an ordinary person’s life can be exchanged for a researcher’s life theory, whether it is the crisis management department or the undead crew, it should be implemented without hesitation … What’s more, it’s time to race against time.
Five minutes later, Schroeder’s voice rang again in the communication channel. "It has been tested that your guess is correct. The’ dead’ eyeball is not dyed. In other words, the meme it carries has dissipated."
"But now the problem is …" Schroeder went on to say, "If we can confirm that it is dead … In the early blockade process, soldiers were infected by a small piece of broken corpse eyeball, and some people were infected by coke eyeball in the process of burning the corpse … This definition standard is difficult to determine."
"The preliminary judgment is that the eyeball needs to be separated from the host, that is, the tendon, blood vessel and nerve of the root are cut off." Ke Lan replied, "In addition, the’ dead’ eyeball will have the characteristics of pupil diffusion and absence like when humans die, which should be the criterion."
"But this standard has no practical significance …" Schroeder’s words are mixed with a weak smile. "We can’t judge AI by the naked eye …"
At this point, Schroeder’s words suddenly stopped, and then he and Ke Lan said in the same voice, "If the eyeball is already’ dead’, maybe AI can recognize it!"
"My side immediately set out to arrange the phase experiment. It is urgent for you to move forward … since the six-winged gray mosquito escaped, the longer the research institute’s freezer may have been broken, the more it will be restored after thawing …"
"I know" Kelan nodded his head and got up.
But he didn’t go out for a few steps, and it seemed as if he remembered something. He turned around and turned back to pick an eye next to the body of the six-winged gray mosquito again
"Asano, come and take off your right hand armor." Kelan said to Asano Zhao.
The latter did it without much thought, while Kelan put this cold, sticky eyeball in his palm.
"Can you guess what this thing is when you feel it?"
"… like an eyeball" Asano Zhao hesitated for two seconds and replied.
"Are you sure you came to a conclusion through your own’ feelings’ instead of guessing?" Kelan further asked
Hear asano Zhao so answer Koran suddenly lost in thought.
Asano Akira’s eyes are invisible, which is why he can broadcast the meme by relying on "vision". Moreover, unlike himself, he has never witnessed the meme with his own eyes. Naturally, the concept of "taking the lead" will not be affected by his own subjective will, and Kelan has not told Asano Akira what is in his hand through his information …
All these conditions can confirm that the information he picked up by touch is really a cold, sticky eyeball.
These eyeballs are real, not memes, nor are they anything else.
The speculation that "the eyeball is not in the real world but in cognition" in the previous discussion between Ke Lan and Lin Qi can be ruled out.
Unless this meme can also interfere and influence human touch or consciousness-but if it really has this ability, Asano Akira should have been dyed by now.
This is good news. Less means that these "memes" all have physical entities. Since they have physical entities, they can naturally be removed by "physical means".
I’m afraid that "meme" is in "cognition"-in this way, if one person’s brain and "meme" have not been completely deleted by this incident, then this meme will lurk in his memory and then produce a more horrible mutation and a more deadly second outbreak.
By that time, it is estimated that the undead crew will be able to make it back to heaven-human beings can play "GG" on this.
However, judging from the information available, this "meme" is not abnormal to that extent … but if it is allowed to evolve several times, it is hard to say.
Lin Qi is right. There is really not much time left for them … Compared with the evolution and variation of "meme", those monsters that ran out of the underground freezer can be regarded as a minor problem …
Kelan pulled out two clay explosives, stretched them, inserted the detonator together, and then stuffed them into the bottom of the six-winged gray mosquito to pry out of the carapace for more than a dozen steps, then directly pressed the detonation button.


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