There was a sign before the bodhi old zu, and it was because of this sign that he was in prison.
It’s really a surprise that the other party ended him so simply. Did the one-year career behind bars make the other party realize something again?
The white house bodhi old zu finally stared at him coldly and then turned and disappeared.
Hum, if it weren’t for this broken gold hoop, I’d have to cramp and tear you apart!
It wasn’t long after the bodhi old zu disappeared that Bai Shixin talked alone.
"Master Bai, this Johnson came out again. Why didn’t you ask the man to inform me? Does he want to kick down the ladder? But this river is far from the past, "said Bai Shixin slightly discontentedly.
"Don’t worry that Johnson didn’t dare to do anything to you? Obviously it hasn’t been completely free, but I’m a little surprised why he has a hat on his head … wasn’t it a white-haired shawl before? " Master Bai sounded in his mind.
"Er, Master Bai, your note is a little partial. Maybe he was forced to get a bald head when he was in prison." Bai Shixin said nonsense and urged, "You’d better hurry up and win something."
"All right, then." Master Bai still promised to come.
It wasn’t long before there was an echo.
"Oh, it seems that the one who didn’t know about it was released in secret. According to that one, it was supposed to be doing something extremely confidential, so even he didn’t announce the leak. After all, many experts are good at the backward algorithm in the era of vitality, but that one happens to be not strong enough to keep a secret," Master Bai relayed.
"So what is it? Need the old man to do it himself? Ginger is still great. No wonder Chivalrous Man A didn’t kill him. He and I don’t know the value of profit. "Bai Shixin muttered.
"Hum, if you don’t kill him, it must be a natural fate. If you don’t kill him, you won’t kill him." Master Bai retorted immediately.
He has always been very grateful to Xia Jia. If the other side sheltered him, his only blood might be captured and killed by the old demon.
After all, the old demon is elusive and powerful, and the only thing that can make it scruple is the dragon honour person born.
"Well, I don’t want you to argue about these meaningful things. Since the old man doesn’t want to blame it, it’s naturally best. Otherwise, I would have prepared several means to deal with him." Bai Shixin shook his head
At this moment, Chivalrous Man A is waiting for the news of the Ghost King and Bodhisattva while practicing magic.
Uncle suddenly woke up and said, "Richie, you seem to have forgotten an important thing."
"What’s important? It’s impossible to leave me alone. I’m busy. "I’m holding my mobile phone" scratching "and talking to Fang Ning, a certain krypton mobile game in Xinshi, without looking up.
Before, he felt guilty about spending money, but now he is extravagant, because he has found that this money is just a cycle, and so many industries have just spent it, and the money will flow back in a moment …
For example, Robert managed to force the bank to recycle a lot of money all the time by relying on technology to buy shares …
"Let’s put the old consumption out and didn’t inform Ruofeng. Their intuition told me that something would happen." Grandpa said unfathomably.
"Well, it’s mainly because I’m busy settling the day and events that I didn’t come to inform them." Fang Ning patted his head. "But now they have found each other through that Skynet and stopped notifying them."
"Hum, it’s because you are too lazy and often forget to inform them." Grandpa has seen through everything.
"Cut the crap. If you want to inform, let Zheng Dao do it. Leave me alone. I want to have a rest." Fang Ning confidently said.
"A month from beginning to end is the three of us are busy and haven’t seen you make moves …" The big ye said bitterly.
"Nonsense, isn’t my hand growing on you?"
Chapter seven hundred and sixty-nine Eating is the biggest
November of the third year of Shenyuan
Winter will turn the earth yellow and bleak.
Passers-by all shrink their heads and lift up their eyes. Although the weather is not very cool, there are no more bare legs and arms. It seems that everyone feels a strange chill.
The farm in Xiakejia Villa is still warm as spring.
The bright green dining table in the restaurant is facing a hot pot conference.
Tofu, Flammulina velutipes, Green Vegetables … Boiling in hot water, seemingly ordinary things exude an irresistible fragrance of immortals.
How many times can you taste this taste when you smell it one day?
Different from the former guests, there is one who is the ghost king bodhisattva …
The other party has just delivered the channel card in person, and Chivalrous Knight A is giving a banquet for leniency.
"Rest assured, you can rest assured that the vegetarian bodhisattva can enjoy it at ease …" Chivalrous man A urged diligently.
That’s right. This is my uncle’s thick report.
However, Fang Ning seems to be less reliable. It didn’t make a bunch of real "thick newspapers" … then it was completely humiliating
"Hehe, when I attended the Wan Zhai banquet set by the Buddha, I didn’t list such a good honour person and reported it to the poor monk," said the Bodhisattva with folded hands.
"Good talk, good talk, bodhisattva, just enjoy it."
"You’re welcome to be such a poor monk." The Bodhisattva ate with one arm in arm and one arm in hand.
He bought a piece of tofu and ate it carefully, then he sincerely praised, "Such a skill is almost holy, but how can a saint be close to the kitchen when he is tall?" If it weren’t for the pro-taste, it’s hard to think that Putian could be so magical. It really is a miracle of endless life. "
But when he said that, he just stopped eating this chopstick and tofu.
"Hey, Bodhisattva, what is this again?" Chivalrous man a surprised way
"Ha ha, if you eat one more bite, you will worry that after years of practice, you will lose control of your appetite and break the precepts ….." The Ghost King Bodhisattva shook his head and sighed.
There was an irresistible sense of regret in his tone.
"Bodhisattva really is a master …" Chivalrous Jiapei said.
He naturally knows when the other party says that he will return the object.
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首先,南坪上海城FF PARTY K是一个不容错过的K歌天堂。这里提供长达6.7小时的欢唱时间,仅需68元,还能享受到12瓶指定9水和果盘。炎炎夏日,约上三五好友,来到这里,尽情欢唱,释放压力,享受欢乐时光。 其次,上海的夜市也是K歌的好去处。比如外滩枫径夜市、长宁天山夜市、泗泾夜市、周浦夜市和彭浦幸福夜市等。在这些夜市中,你可以一边品尝各种美食,一边K歌,让美食与音乐相伴,尽情享受夜晚的乐趣。 此外,上海卡拉OK的发展历史悠久,许多KTV场所也成为了夜晚的好去处。比如复兴公园钱柜KTV,虽然曾经关闭,但经过整修后,又成为了年轻人夜晚娱乐的胜地。在这里,你可以尽情地唱歌,释放心中的激情。 值得一提的是,上海的一些特色景区也提供了丰富的K歌体验。比如【上海寻梦源·梦水乡】,这里有梅花、樱花、马鞭草、菊花、粉黛、向日葵、醉蝶花、法国薰衣草等众多花卉,还有大屏K歌、台球、棋牌、麻将、乒乓球、桌游、汉服美拍等娱乐项目。在这里,你可以在赏花的同时,尽情K歌,感受不一样的夜晚。 夏天来临时,闵行的夜生活更是精彩纷呈。在古美路街道,你可以参加66上海夜生活节·今夜更上海活动,享受商旅文体展览和多种主题的夜间活动。美食、市集、荧光皮划艇和星空下的露天电影构成了越夜越精彩的浦江镇夜晚。而在浦江万达广场,你可以参加研学夏令营、全民K歌挑战赛等活动,感受夜生活的魅力。 总之,上海夜晚的K歌好去处众多,无论你是喜欢热闹的夜市,还是偏爱安静的KTV,都能在这里找到适合自己的娱乐方式。在这个充满活力的都市中,让我们一起享受音乐带来的快乐,畅享上海的夜晚。