"Ace, he’s Luffy’s sworn brother." At this moment, Nami replied, "It’s normal that you don’t know, because we were surprised when we heard the news."

"When will Nello’s navy be executed, Ace?" Luffy asked excitedly.
"A week later, this is already known to all the people in the world, because here is the wind belt, and there are few news newspapers here. It is normal for you not to know, but Luffy, have you thought it over? During the day, what we face is not as simple as the general, but the four naval generals, Wang Qiwuhai, and the naval elite and the strength of the admiralty will at least be estimated at no less than 100,000 according to the records. "
"PSST" all not breath a mouthful of air conditioning.
"The Admiralty is so horrible, let’s not go, ok?" Wu Suopu instantly lost his feet.
Not only he, Nami and Qiao Ba were also scared.
"I’m sorry, everyone." Luffy looked at several people with a firm face. "I have to save Ace anyway."
Suddenly Nello clapped her hands and laughed. "Then it’s decided that this idea is really great. After this battle, I believe that the princess bounty will definitely return to the second place."
Sauron is also a face of excitement. "And since the Seven Wuhai will arrive at the Hawkeye, it will certainly. I am already a little impatient."
Xiang Jishi shouted, "The princess is going to talk to the knight, of course I am going."
"Yo, hehehe, I’m going to see such a big scene." Brooke laughed.
"Maybe the Admiralty also has a historical document, which is just called chaos." Nicole Robin laughed.
"Now that everyone has gone, the captain will of course go, just to show everyone my new planted weapon," Wu Suopu shouted.
"I want to go," Qiao Ba replied.
"It’s so exciting," Francci said with a strange smile. "I believe that the Wan Li Sunshine will also become famous in the sea after this battle."
"I don’t think people will find their way without me as a sailor. It seems that this will be a thrilling journey," said Nami.
"Guys ….." Luffy looked at all the tears spouted away. He wasn’t stupid. He didn’t know how to die accidentally.
"How long does it take Nello to get to the Admiralty from here?" Nami knew the route.
Normally, it will take half a month for such a long time, so we can definitely not come. We can take the navy to turn to the triangular current, that is, enter from the wind belt justice gate and then reach the admiralty, which is just within reach.
"It’s quite troublesome this time. I remember that if you want to enter through the gate of justice, you must control it from the naval department," Nami said
"You’re right, but I’ve thought of an idea." Nello laughed. "We can reach the justice gate, and then Luffy will break into imperl Prison alone, and then control the machine from the inside to get in. But the defense there is smaller than the Admiralty, but it is also amazing."
Wait a minute. Sauron asked, "In that case, why don’t you go with Luffy? In this case, if you want to be the king, the domineering road will be relieved a lot."
I want to! Nello is also a face of nai "the problem is that the Wan Li Sunshine will dock at the wind belt then! Without my hegemony, you will become Neptune targets. Although I know that each of you has the strength to solve Neptune, do you think you have the physical strength to fight tens of millions of Neptune? Even if you take 10,000 steps back, do you still have the physical strength to continue to participate in the war? "
"Gollum" to react and they couldn’t help but swallow saliva.
"The wind belt is terrible. Let’s not go to the wind belt, okay?" Wu Suopu became soft in the face of life threats
"Luffy has this method. Do you want to try it?" Nello warned cautiously, "If you don’t succeed, you may go to jail forever."
"Damn it, Sauron and I could help if the moonwalk didn’t consume too much energy," said Xiangji.
"I think I’ll try," Luffy said firmly.
Ok, then you can lead your way into the prison through Ace’s life paper. At the same time, if you have an organic conversation, you can save Ace first, and then hit the justice door when you return. Then we can just help you from the side.
"Well, since time waits for no one, let’s start now!" Nami suggested.
No problem.
In the middle of the night, the moon is sending out pieces of bright Bai Yueguang moonlight. A huge warship with thousands of people is flying to the new world in a strange way. These thousands of navies are all from Jos Banner. They are 20,000 elite marines assigned to him by headquarters, but Jos turned him down. His words are that everyone can sit on this ship with thousands of people, such as Sasaki, Sasaki, and others. Everyone is an elite, whether it is a navy six-style or a two-color domineering. Of course, there are Jos and those marines who know it. They are still ordinary major generals outside.
"Tashigi Tashigi" warship looked at running around and Smoker shouted.
"Here’s your knife back." Dusky then returned the hand knife to others and ran towards Smoka.
"Can you wake up a little bit and don’t even forget a little courtesy when you see a famous knife?" Smoka roared.
"I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again." Tashigi apologized again and again
"Who are you to fool me?" Jose looked at Smoker and sneered. "I think I must have been hearing voices and heard the word politeness from you."
….. Smoker looked at Jose. "Can this still be a happy brother?"
Jose "hehe"
"What are you whispering about here? Na also wants to know." Then Na Domido came over and asked.
Oh, Jose laughed. "Smoker asked me if I would confess to a girl."
"Bastard, what did you say?" Smoker exploded.
Wow, Domido looks at the good sister. "Congratulations, please treat me to a wedding banquet."
Na red face looked at Smoker seems to be waiting for his mouth.
"You talk slowly." Jose smiled and left with Domino.
Domino smiled. "Honey, was what you just said true?"
Jos "fake"
"I knew it," Domino laughed.
Jose also looked nai when he heard it. "Who told them not to talk first? So I can create opportunities for us."
"Anyway, it’s been a long time since I set sail with Lord Jose." A major general said to another major general.
Another major general said with a smile, "Who said it wasn’t then? Most of us were still a scholar and a mixed soldier. Now everyone is a major general. It’s all because of Lord Injos."
"Unfortunately, we are too weak to help adults solve some wannabe."
"Who said not! My dream is to be like the soldier’s adult, but around Jose’s adult. "
Just then a clap of hands sounded, and the deck was still noisy. Then I looked at the palm of my hand and Luo Dong.
Jose, "What the hell is this guy doing? I suddenly have a bad feeling."
"Honey, I also have a bad feeling that I’m going to lie down," Domino said.
"It’s rare for us to sail together again. Adults actually show love with his wife everywhere. Tell me if there is any justice in this," Luo Dong asked.
They shouted "no justice"
Luo Dong "So what do you say should be done to compensate? Our young mind "
"Penalty for singing"
"You should blow Tao Di."
It’s better to play the piano
Moment by moment the input sounded …
Chapter one hundred and ninety-three Navy VS Four Emperors
"When I stepped on it, I saw several marines, one carrying a musical instrument and sent it to Jose."
I went to Jose and stared at it. "You are prepared! Is this really possible? "
"You just know!" Lotung looked at his face and didn’t play quickly.
Ahem, Jose coughed a few times and looked around the crowd, then handed the righteous coat to Domino. "In that case, let’s have a song!" Then the banquet. "
"long live"


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    首先,南坪上海城FF PARTY K是一个不容错过的K歌天堂。这里提供长达6.7小时的欢唱时间,仅需68元,还能享受到12瓶指定9水和果盘。炎炎夏日,约上三五好友,来到这里,尽情欢唱,释放压力,享受欢乐时光。 其次,上海的夜市也是K歌的好去处。比如外滩枫径夜市、长宁天山夜市、泗泾夜市、周浦夜市和彭浦幸福夜市等。在这些夜市中,你可以一边品尝各种美食,一边K歌,让美食与音乐相伴,尽情享受夜晚的乐趣。 此外,上海卡拉OK的发展历史悠久,许多KTV场所也成为了夜晚的好去处。比如复兴公园钱柜KTV,虽然曾经关闭,但经过整修后,又成为了年轻人夜晚娱乐的胜地。在这里,你可以尽情地唱歌,释放心中的激情。 值得一提的是,上海的一些特色景区也提供了丰富的K歌体验。比如【上海寻梦源·梦水乡】,这里有梅花、樱花、马鞭草、菊花、粉黛、向日葵、醉蝶花、法国薰衣草等众多花卉,还有大屏K歌、台球、棋牌、麻将、乒乓球、桌游、汉服美拍等娱乐项目。在这里,你可以在赏花的同时,尽情K歌,感受不一样的夜晚。 夏天来临时,闵行的夜生活更是精彩纷呈。在古美路街道,你可以参加66上海夜生活节·今夜更上海活动,享受商旅文体展览和多种主题的夜间活动。美食、市集、荧光皮划艇和星空下的露天电影构成了越夜越精彩的浦江镇夜晚。而在浦江万达广场,你可以参加研学夏令营、全民K歌挑战赛等活动,感受夜生活的魅力。 总之,上海夜晚的K歌好去处众多,无论你是喜欢热闹的夜市,还是偏爱安静的KTV,都能在这里找到适合自己的娱乐方式。在这个充满活力的都市中,让我们一起享受音乐带来的快乐,畅享上海的夜晚。
