His smell speech was a faint smile, in which three points were sad and three points were melancholy, but one point was relieved. I should have been really crazy or fortunately I was crazy, otherwise I could not continue to live.
But I’m not as crazy as others think, even in the craziest time, my heart is still faint, but it’s too light and too slight, even though my self-consciousness refuses to let me wake up, and I hope I’ll really go crazy until.
He sighed again and again until that day when you came to see me and felt my pulse for me. When he looked me in the eye, I felt a cool air coming straight into my mind, as if some kind of force was holding on to my only consciousness and refused to let it sink into obscurity again. Then I heard you crying. Your tears fell on my hands and knees. It will not be the overall situation when I am alone. No matter what the righteousness is, I will cry because of my fate.
She has been silently listening to him, silently watching his side face with a look of silence and sadness.
However, when I said a word, I didn’t fully wake up at that time. I didn’t know what it meant when the word "She’s fine" was quickly scratched in my palm. His tone was so dull that it would never be possible to understand that I had deliberately forgotten my memory and came back, but I desperately wanted to fall into madness again. Maybe I would have been killed at that time.
He smiled gently and was lonely in the night wind.
Later, my father sent someone to send me away in the green mountains and clear waters, away from the capital, away from the struggle, away from everything, which made me suffer and let me recuperate slowly. It is said that after returning to China, Virtue also sent someone to help me calm my mood and relieve my heart knot, and all kinds of methods were given to my father. Even so, it took me two years to recover.
He sighed forlornly. In those two years, I was sometimes crazy and sometimes awake. When I was crazy, it was only when I was awake that I was really miserable. They slowly woke me up from the deepest darkness bit by bit according to the German side.
He doesn’t want to say another word now after two years of suffering and suffering.
He didn’t say anything. If Wan Li told him the details of the man and reassured him, he might never really get rid of madness. It’s not sexual. He told him that the man actually came to see him secretly, but he never blamed him. He might never get up the courage to walk in the cage he had set up.
She sat quietly beside him for two years, and he didn’t say much about her suffering, but she could imagine that she felt the pain because she could think of it.
Looking at the faint loneliness in the corner of his eyebrows, I think of the smile that always brought joy to others many years ago. She was so sad that she almost couldn’t help but raise her hand to wipe away his eyebrows.
However, she can’t bear to comfort him, and she can’t bear to pay attention to him again. She will smile bitterly and ask what you are doing this year.
In my recuperation place, my father arranged for a body double heaven and man to know that Nalan Gong was suffering from madness once he didn’t get better, but I could live in a new identity and travel around the world easily. Of course, my father wouldn’t ask his son to be lonely and reduced to Jianghu.
He returned a finger and looked at the two slaves here from a distance. They were not only diligent and clever, but also good at kung fu. Besides, he smiled and took out a stack of silver tickets from his arms. I didn’t worry about eating, drinking and having fun for a generation.
Although his face is smiling, his eyes are always lonely.
Father did his best, didn’t he? Since then, he hasn’t seen Nalan, and he has never been famous for his white horse and light fur.
He can get rid of the shackles and live in peace without worry about food and clothing, but he has traveled all over the world for a year to find someone.
Although he believes in sex and promises, he wants to see that person with his own eyes, and he sees that the pain in his heart for three years has to be dispelled, and he has to say to that person personally that he is sorry for his big brother, so that he can really get back.
But he has traveled all over the mountains and rivers for a year, but he can’t find that person.
He did everything he could from that man, but he never got a response.
He walked many years ago, and the road that the man walked side by side was boundless.
A long time ago, he once shared a mountain peak with Hanshan, and Leng Yue was silent.
He has been there for a long time, and his man crossed the Yangtze River with him. The past is gone.
He couldn’t find him, although the man never heard from him.
Three years ago, the Great State of Qin tried to kill all the world’s rangers and completely calm all the factions in the Jianghu, but they could not do so after uniting in black and white to form an alliance and pushing the leader.
The mysterious Wulin leader doesn’t care much about Wulin affairs and disputes between factions. It seems that Wulin Gong has never found his head, but if there is a Wulin disaster or a sect in the Jianghu commits a great injustice, the wandering Wulin leader will suddenly disappear again.
Two and a half years ago, the martial arts factions were persecuted by the government, but when they gathered in the Rising Mountain to jointly promote their champions, the government learned that the information had mobilized 30 thousand troops to suppress them.
However, as soon as the transfer order was sent to the marshal, he was seriously injured.
The new commander of the three armies was assassinated again, and he was also seriously injured.
The assistant commander has just received Shuaiyin’s temporary military post, and the assassin’s sword has passed through his chest before giving orders.
Or that’s not assassination, but face-to-face killing, because every assassin is alone, and he kills directly from the gate of Shuaifu to the front with a sword, and then from killing all the way, he is seriously injured every time without killing anyone, and every time it is a hurtful ritual.
Every time the 30,000-strong army was assassinated, the three armies still came to camp outside the Shuaifu, and the assassin had drifted away. It was never shorter than a dazzling fragrance before and after, so it was scary to show mercy and show kindness.
Terrible strength, terrible master makes the most heroic hero in the sky tremble with fear, and the top military brave will not be him. No matter how many superior guards are in tune with the enemy, he can’t be trapped for a moment. It is not difficult for the government’s 30 thousand army to wipe out most Wulin characters, but if these characters get away and go to the State of Qin, another senior official can rest in peace.
In fact, when the commander in chief was stabbed three times in the army, no one dared to take over the command again until the imperial court sent a sigh of relief to appease the Jianghu people.
Since then, the government and Jianghu people have been living in peace with each other. The government respects the Jianghu people and gives them a certain reason. The Jianghu people also try not to violate the law and try not to conflict with the government. In the court, the rules of the game are allowed to strive for as much profit as possible.
Compared with this big event, that person has participated in other Jianghu disputes, which is not worth mentioning.
Look at her eyebrows and eyes, she is still a little proud. He is full of melancholy and hard to dispel. He is full of accusations and questions. After all, he can’t bear to say a word. She looks at him in the stars and moons. In fact, I have missed you quite a lot these years. Although Xing De told me later that you can be cured well, if you have repeatedly assured me that you will recover after a period of rest, you will always be worried if you haven’t seen it with your own eyes.
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首先,南坪上海城FF PARTY K是一个不容错过的K歌天堂。这里提供长达6.7小时的欢唱时间,仅需68元,还能享受到12瓶指定9水和果盘。炎炎夏日,约上三五好友,来到这里,尽情欢唱,释放压力,享受欢乐时光。 其次,上海的夜市也是K歌的好去处。比如外滩枫径夜市、长宁天山夜市、泗泾夜市、周浦夜市和彭浦幸福夜市等。在这些夜市中,你可以一边品尝各种美食,一边K歌,让美食与音乐相伴,尽情享受夜晚的乐趣。 此外,上海卡拉OK的发展历史悠久,许多KTV场所也成为了夜晚的好去处。比如复兴公园钱柜KTV,虽然曾经关闭,但经过整修后,又成为了年轻人夜晚娱乐的胜地。在这里,你可以尽情地唱歌,释放心中的激情。 值得一提的是,上海的一些特色景区也提供了丰富的K歌体验。比如【上海寻梦源·梦水乡】,这里有梅花、樱花、马鞭草、菊花、粉黛、向日葵、醉蝶花、法国薰衣草等众多花卉,还有大屏K歌、台球、棋牌、麻将、乒乓球、桌游、汉服美拍等娱乐项目。在这里,你可以在赏花的同时,尽情K歌,感受不一样的夜晚。 夏天来临时,闵行的夜生活更是精彩纷呈。在古美路街道,你可以参加66上海夜生活节·今夜更上海活动,享受商旅文体展览和多种主题的夜间活动。美食、市集、荧光皮划艇和星空下的露天电影构成了越夜越精彩的浦江镇夜晚。而在浦江万达广场,你可以参加研学夏令营、全民K歌挑战赛等活动,感受夜生活的魅力。 总之,上海夜晚的K歌好去处众多,无论你是喜欢热闹的夜市,还是偏爱安静的KTV,都能在这里找到适合自己的娱乐方式。在这个充满活力的都市中,让我们一起享受音乐带来的快乐,畅享上海的夜晚。