In World War I, the military forces of Liao’s national subjugation were different, which could not continue to compete with Jin Jun, but the battle was not over, because he was still alive because he was not caught moving.
If he is still alive, he may continue to call the old army to resist the gold, and the Jin army failed to capture and kill the Liao army soldiers, and a considerable number of scurry off disappeared
These people are also likely to be moved and put away to make a comeback.
When Wu Yan Pu Lu Hun is a little slack, he doesn’t want to continue to do something. When Yan Yan Yong advised him, he hoped that he wouldn’t stop chasing for a moment.
Until he was caught and sent to the capital and killed by the emperor himself.
"It’s the move to the nest that is the culprit. He’s holding the title of emperor. If you catch him and give it to the old general, do you still need to worry about the aftermath?"
This is true, so Wuyan Puluhun allocated 3,000 Qingqi to Wan Yanyong, and ordered him to continue to pursue the move and never let go of the move.
But anyway, the main force of Liao army has been destroyed since then, and even if there is war in the future, it will be a scattered public security war
After the news came back to Zhongdu, Yan Hongliang was overjoyed and swept away the past depression and was filled with victory and joy.
He personally supervised the arrangement of the family members of the captured Liao minister Liao to kill all the men first, and then to kill all the old, the weak, the young and the strong, and then to fill them in the laundry and sell them on the spot.
After getting rid of the whole high-level Liao country, Yan Hongliang recognized that the situation had stabilized, so he had a bold idea.
He ordered Liaodong troops to go to Zhongduhe as soon as possible, and then prepared to mobilize troops to attack Hebei as soon as possible.
"Attack Hebei?"
Geshilieliangbi and ACTS Shanzhen looked at each other, surprised and didn’t know what the emperor meant.
What’s the sudden attack on Hebei?
Don’t you wait for the Liaodong rebellion to completely calm down?
ACTS ChanZhen hurriedly speak.
"Although Liaodong won a great victory, the counter-insurgency is not over yet, and the thief’s first move has not been caught. Isn’t it a two-front war to raise troops to the south at this time?"
Yan hong Liang shook his head again and again
"The Khitan thief is no longer a climate and can no longer threaten me. It is not a two-front war. Now it is time for us to send troops to the south!"
Ge Shili Liangbi is very anxious.
"But the eye is going to have words and there are still many preparations. Except for one hundred and twenty thousand soldiers, the total number of signing troops and civilian workers is four hundred thousand. In addition to the current preparations, it will take a month to prepare for the army attack …"
"You don’t need so many troops to prepare for the pioneer. You must attack. The looting of the Han water army is extremely harmful. I think it will take a long time to rebuild the water army. It is the most appropriate to curb the water army’s initiative!
The river in the north of the eye is not frozen yet, so it’s easy to get up. Grain carriers can go all the way from Baoding to the river along the Hutuo River to alleviate the logistical difficulties. Don’t you always shout about the logistical difficulties? Wait until the river freezes in winter. That’s the hardest part, right? "
Yan Hongliang interrupted Ge Shilie’s words with a wave of his hand. "Your horse must arrange a vanguard army to attack quickly and launch a counterattack. You must muzzle the Han Chinese rebels so that the water army can’t attack or let’s Yongning Day!
After arranging the vanguard attack, the main force should also prepare quickly. The logistics department has arranged the vanguard attack for me for one month. The main force must attack. If you can’t do your Privy Council position well, don’t do it! "
Yan hong Liang gan gang is arbitrary and aggressive
There is nothing that can be done by Qiu Shilie Liang and Tu Shanzhen, and Yan Hongliang can’t be said to be wrong.
First of all, it is really beneficial to attack the northern rivers and transport grain by water, which can greatly reduce the logistics pressure and avoid a lot of manpower and material resources brought by land transportation
It is not difficult to support a vanguard grain depot less.
If it is delayed until the northern river base freezes in winter, it will have to transport logistics by land, and the difficulty of maintaining the logistics of the army will increase dramatically.
It would be a wonderful tactic if we could make a little progress at this time to turn Hefu into a good forward base.
Moreover, the attack and landing of the Guangfu Army and the water army everywhere have caused a huge blow to the coastal areas of Jin Guo. If it cannot be contained, the situation will be very serious.
Lu’s active attack will also put great pressure on the Guangfu Army, making them afraid to send water troops to attack from all sides to disrupt the rear of Xu Jin Guo.
But all this will establish a former
This hastily-set vanguard really achieved results, forcing the Guangfu Army to turn its attention to land instead of sea.
"We were defeated by Su Yonglin, the thief leader, after the initial success of Yan Hong’s neighboring 20,000 fighters. Now the thief army must be stronger than at that time. You also said that if our army can’t take the main air pressure, it is likely to be defeated."
At this point, there is no more to say.
Yan hong Liang was silent for a moment.
He knew that Shi Lieliang was right.
At the beginning, Yan Hong Alin took 20,000 troops to the south and he could win. However, Yan Hong Alin’s soldiers were defeated and died, which proves that the Guangfu Army has strong fighting capacity.
Today, the recovery army has a great potential. Whether it is the advantage of Xiongzhou Bazhou battlefield in attacking 8 Jin Army or the absolute advantage of the sea fully reflects the extraordinary force.
Now they must be stronger than before, and if they can’t attack the Guangfu Army with absolute main advantage, the probability of the result is not good.
I can’t say that I will fail, but I don’t want to see the situation with great probability.
But Yan Hongliang knows better that he has no more choices.
He can’t wait any longer.
He must put on an offensive posture to make the Guangfu army converge, otherwise the political and economic pressure of the country will crush him.
These days, the Japanese recovery army attacked everywhere, which brought great losses to Xu Jin and posed a great threat to his prestige and rule.
He must show his attitude by going to war against the Guangfu Army, and at the same time, he must transfer some contradictions to make him less stressed.
Don’t let him catch his breath
The Khitans were defeated, but the losses caused by the Han people were so great that the Jurchen ruling class could bear it. He had to go to war at once.
Can’t wait.
Chapter 372 Zhao Gou that old son dare to disobey my orders?
The emperor sometimes Yan Hongliang will feel a little involuntarily.
He will indulge himself in the field where he can make decisions, so as to hedge against the emperor’s identity and make himself feel guilty.
But there are always some things that he can’t do as he pleases.
Like war.
"It’s not that I can easily decide whether to go to war or not. It’s impossible to continue to endure the humiliation of the Han thief army. It’s necessary to fight and even launch an attack to achieve a little success."
Yan Hongliang sighed, "I know you are worried that the vanguard will send out twenty thousand targets … even if it is to defeat a small army of thieves or attack a small town, it is necessary to have a good news to let me know."
Qiushilieliang and ACTS Shanzhen looked at each other and both were relieved to know that Yan Hongliang had not lost his mind.
Sending troops is to cope with the growing dissatisfaction with Yan Hongliang in the DPRK.
Yan Hongliang can oppress the ministers so that they dare not dare to object. However, the main reason why Xu Jin Guo has come to this state of worry and foreign invasion is that Yan Hongliang’s coquettish exercise has made Xu Jin so embarrassed and dangerous.
No one is blind or stupid, and they know it all.
People dare not speak but dare to be angry.
In this way, if enough anger is accumulated, there is no need to talk, and then the knife will replace the mouth.
This is probably the highest military achievement in name after the annihilation of Liao, right?
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