However, this "child" is now holding a bone cutter stained with human blood.

"You must give me an account of this matter."
Xiong Yingjie grabbed Chen Shaobai and said that his right hand was on the waist hilt, ready to go. One-eyed eyes were in a coma, and Yan Sanshen and Chen Shaobai swept him. What he meant was very true-either accompanying the soup or preparing to compensate for the broken arm.
Chen Shaobai Bai, a local ruffian like Xiong Yingjie, attaches great importance to his prestige. If you let them go gently today, you may have died in this autumn magic spring. It is absolutely impossible to be good.
"The big deal is to kill him and then take Miao Miao into exile. Anyway, it is impossible for the catchers in such a big city in Fengzhou to catch people across the city."
In my heart, I made an instant decision. Chen Shaobai was familiar with the hunting village around him. People looked around. He wanted to see if these villagers in Pingri were not bad themselves. Did anyone come out and say a fair word to help at the critical moment?
But every villager who made eye contact with him lowered his head like a thief-including those who had been indebted to him.
"Sure enough, justice is not in people’s hearts." Chen Shaobai frosted his hands with blood-stained osteotome and gave birth to an unprecedented thirst for strength. "I will give you an explanation if you want to explain it."
The knife fell out of his hand, and a bone-cutting knife lifted the fishy wind and cut it toward Xiong Yingjie’s shoulder with a crescent-like arc.
He hasn’t practiced swordsmanship, which can be regarded as a wild road, but the double blessing of strength and speed is also frightening
When I saw Chen Shaobai, some older hunters in the village had a flash of compassion in their eyes.
Young people don’t know that bears are blind, but they do.
They feel a little scared at the thought of the action against Xiong Yingjie three years ago and the other party’s release of that thundering sword light.
"Chen Shaobai is a good young man, but his horse is dying."
But Li Dabao, the village chief, secretly rejoiced when he saw Chen Shaobai’s knife, and he couldn’t wait to find an altar wine to drink.
"Encouraged the bear blind to marry Miao language piano that xiao ni is really bad for Chen Shaobai this good thing I wang egg is finally going to die!
Three years ago, Li Dabao wanted to be the village chief to oppress a pretty widow in the village, and let the other party be willing to be her concubine. However, after Chen Shaobai broke the news, it had a great influence on his reputation, so he hated Chen Shaobai from now on.
Although Li Dabao always wanted to give Chen Shaobai a hard time, he was cleverly evaded by Chen Shaobai’s past wisdom and experience. In the past, as the other person grew older, he had no chance to retaliate.
Now it’s only a few words of encouragement to get such an effect. How can Li Dabao not be secretly pleased?
Sure enough, in the face of Chen Shaobai’s extraordinary power, Xiong Yingjie gave me a hideous smile at the corner of his mouth. The only move was a slight shake of his forearm.
For a moment, his whole forearm disappeared completely in the eyes of everyone! Disappeared with it is the sword that has been hanging around its waist like a facade.
If this sword is like a thunder on the ground, the villagers around it will cover their ears with pain.
Chen Shaobai bears the brunt of the fact that his opponent’s swordsmanship is superb. Even if he has a long bow in his hand, he may not be able to beat the other side. He thinks that he has just got gas therapy, so he turns a deaf ear and turns a blind eye.
He fell like a steel nail and made rapid progress like the wind. He jerked himself forward.
The sword easily penetrated his abdomen, and the blade swept across the starting point. Gangfeng pierced the abdominal muscles like an iron needle, forming a fist-sized blood hole.
Few people can maintain their strength in such an injury situation. Chen Shaobai is no exception. This sword makes his strength pour like a dam collapse, but the osteotome in his hand is used to cutting deeply into Xiong Yingjie’s right arm with an arc in it.
One moment, I was confident that I could play with each other and applaud, and the next moment I ended up in a lose-lose situation. The situation changed quickly and let Xiong Yingjie understand the law
Who is the real hob meat in the end?
Looking at his right arm, which is only attached to a little flesh, Xiong Yingjie knows that his generation is completely ruined. Even if he can reconnect his arm, he will definitely achieve something in fencing. It is even more impossible to become a swordsman.
At that time, he was disheartened and insensitive to the pain in his right arm, and Yan San did not consider being in a coma. The sword that was stranded in Chen Shaobai’s belly went astray like a walking corpse, and I did not know where it was going.
"It’s a good thing I didn’t personally array this little Wang egg!" Li Dabao, the village chief, looked at Chen Shaobai and wiped her forehead. Se was dying in her eyes.
"It’s too big to go after the same fate as possible now."
Looking at Xiong Yingjie’s leaving back, Chen Shaobai’s eyes flashed for a moment and he did not choose to pursue immediately, but his heart already had a dispute
"true Han!"
Neat and cheerful applause with regret gradually sounded. Chen Shaobai’s bloody and ruthless means seemed to resonate with the surrounding hunters. The applause gradually gathered together and washed Chen Shaobai’s mind and body like Hao water.
In his previous life, he was just an ordinary otaku with ordinary inferiority. He was in the spotlight when he was "others" since childhood.
The sword penetrated Chen Shaobai’s tender hands, feet and abdomen, but his heart was so carefree that he couldn’t help screaming in the sky. It seemed that he would spit out past grievances and cowardice in this life
"Chen Shaobai, you can go at ease. We will take good care of Miao for you."
"Who dares to report to the official I Zhao Da first don’t let him go! Chen Shaobai is a man. He can’t leave with a lawsuit when he is innocent. "
After all, it’s not a fencing match. Chen Shaobai’s beheading of people with two arms today is an armed crime, but he doesn’t have to worry about the consequences if he doesn’t raise the people. This move is also a nuisance.
But …
The consequences of being stabbed in the abdomen are that the villagers don’t know about hunting in the mountains all the year round?
When the sword leaves the body, it is when Chen Shaobai dies.
"Fortunately, this Wang is finally going to die." Li Dabao, the village head, showed a happy smile on his face.
No one thinks that Chen Shaobai can be lucky to come.
The fourth chapter holds the sword like fate
The battle took only five breath from beginning to end. When Chen Shaobai hobbled back to the house with a sword in his belly, Miao Yuqin still maintained a silly expression.
Obviously, she hasn’t been able to get rid of the shock just now.
Looking intently at Chen Shaobai, I suddenly feel that the little girl’s eyebrows are naturally deep red and deep, which is very much like a little more charming in the purity of blood jade.
He closed the door softly before tilting his head and said, "I ruined both Xiao Miao Yan San and Xiong Yan, but it’s not over yet. I’ll let them regret it for the next generation."
Awakening from a daze, Miao Yuqin paused for a moment and saw Chen Shaobai’s lower abdomen, which was a sword through the body.
For a moment, she jumped up like a frightened kitten and rushed to Chen Shaobai’s lower abdomen half an inch ahead, shaking her hands and slowly sticking them.
The Miao language piano is as white as jade, and the fingers touch the hilt, but they dare not move too much for fear that they will cause secondary damage to Chen Shaobai.
"Didn’t you promise that I must cherish myself?"


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