Then my eyes turned black and plopped, and I fell into a coma.

"What’s the matter? Life and death are up to you! " After a moment of panic, I was calm, and then my mind went into darkness.
An animal may have killed me while I was in a coma.
Actually, I’m worrying too much. During this time, I killed several wild animals, even lions and cheetahs. This area where I live has long been a forbidden area among animals, and no one dares to set foot in this area because they have acquiesced that this is my territory.
When I opened my eyes again, I suddenly found that I could actually see my own mud pill palace, and there was a fuzzy villain in it that appeared on my eyebrows.
"This …" I was speechless at the moment.
Eye of the sky?
Erlang God?
That’s not a fairy tale?
"No, no, no, I don’t think this is the eye of the sky!"
A fuzzy little man appeared in my mud pill palace.
Is this my soul?
"I actually saw that I lost my soul?"
Thought of this, I suddenly sat up and my eyes widened with an incredible expression.
"Soul! Soul! I actually saw my soul! " I’m muttering to myself. If people hear me muttering to myself at this time, they will definitely treat me as a psychopath.
When I was in Amazon, a big thing happened in Wudang Houshan.
Master Qingyun died and was shot dead.
Yongru monk got shot in the shoulder when he was chasing after him. Fortunately, Yongru monk took flying skills and stepped back when he was injured.
One-armed marksmanship is as quick as Yong Yong Monk and Master Qingyun. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to kill Master Qingyun with a pistol.
A person’s name is coming out-Yang Heshan!
After his right arm was scrapped, he was abandoned by the CIA. Later, after several years of practice, he finally perfected his marksmanship, and his reaction speed was matched with his pistol. Even people could avoid his assassination.
That’s true. A few years ago, master Qingyun was killed by his assassination. He was shot three times in a row at a distance of 50 meters, and one shot went straight through the heart and died on the spot.
Yong-Yong’s ghostly posture was also lost before him. When chasing him, the last bullet in his magazine hit Yong-Yong’s shoulder.
Yang Heshan didn’t leave the back of Wudang Mountain, but lurked. After he killed Master Qingyun, he wanted to kill me and monk Yongru. He didn’t know that I had left Wudang Mountain.
Master Qingyun, the Taoist priest, is ready to merge the two veins to fight life and death and form a Sunday cycle. He just made the final preparations. No one thought that such a thing had happened.
"Hit the snake die instead of being injured amitabha! Brother Qingyun walked all the way! " Forever as a monk, he had a heart attack for the first time. He was a life-and-death friend with master Qingyun, and the master Qingyun was very modest and honest, just as he practiced tantric Tai Ji Chuan to give in and accommodate others, which made people feel respect for him.
Chapter 199 Waiting for him
The tombs of wu-tang clan’s brothers in the past dynasties are all here.
This is a famous chivalrous bone tomb in the valley behind Wudang Mountain, where wu-tang clan’s true brother was buried after his death.
At this time, I knelt in front of a new grave with the word Qingyun written on it.
I came back to Wudang Mountain to search for the manuscript of a founder, Zhang Zhenren, to see if there was any soul in it, but I didn’t expect that Master Qingyun was killed by Yang Heshan two months ago.
I got up after paying homage to the master.
"Can you find the hiding place of monk Yang Heshan?" I turned to Yong Ruda monk and asked.
He shook his head.
The back mountain of Wudang is connected with Shennongjia, except for the mountain, which is the original forest. Ordinary people may starve to death if they go in, but experts like Yang Heshan are like a duck to water. This is an excellent hiding place.
"His goal is the two of us. Since I am back, he should come out if he is still in this mountain forest." My eyes narrowed slightly and a cold light flashed through my eyes.
"Yang Heshan attacked me several times again, but he didn’t succeed because I was prepared and my flying skill was extraordinary. He ran away without firing a gun, and now he’s not in this mountain forest. It’s really hard to say," Yong Ru said after thinking for a while.
As always, I suddenly broke out in a cold sweat on my back. In those days, I intercepted him and the third martial brother Q, a Shang-style Xingyiquan. Yang Heshan was not heard silently in the Jianghu. If he had the heart, he might have found out all the details of the third martial brother.
Thought of here, I can’t sit still any longer, because the third martial brother involved Rollin Wang and our child Yang Heshan, and his right arm must be twisted in case he …
"The horse goes to Q city!" I don’t want to delay for a minute
"good!" Yongru nodded, and he also thought of this layer.
The next day the plane landed at Q International Airport.
I haven’t been back for more than ten years, and this time I’m back, it’s a little different.
A monk and a Taoist plane became the object of people’s attention. The plane almost saw us all pointing fingers at both of us and then whispering.
For their advice, I and Yong Ru monk have long been used to it, so we just ignore them.
I knew years ago that my parents were old and Rollin Wang was no longer young.
My home address has been engraved on my mind. Yang called a taxi and went straight to Liutian County’s home.
Trees and street houses are retreating, and my heart is involuntarily nervous.
The driver was surprised to see that we were a Taoist and a monk, but Yongru and I were both silent, so he shut up and concentrated on getting up.
My parents and Rollin Wang’s residence are next to the residence of the third martial brother. They are all single-family houses. I stopped at the door of the car and I was a little scared. I abandoned everything when I pursued an illusory dream. Now my grandfather has died and my parents are old. How can I face them?
"Have you arrived at the bus?" Driver urged


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