Daxueman silver city

This morning, two riders rode the dust.
Black hair, silver hair, long wind, white hair and red hair, Huangfuyi rode in the direction of Mount Pu.
There are four younger generations watching the two riders away from …
On the same day, Zhong Ling Yuxiu Baizong Twelve-Star River has been buried in the South China Sea for ten years, and it broke out completely with an upcoming memorial event …
As we all know, the hundred sacred ceremonies are a great event in Tiandong in the past century. The Snowstorm Silver City Sword Association will not invite hundreds of foreign practitioners to participate in the grand ceremony.
In the past sacred ceremony, the Patriarch of Baizongmen led representatives of Baizongmen to gather in Twelve Star Rivers to listen to the Oracle. At that time, the temple will be covered with Baizongmen with the sacred glory of the deity.
But ten years ago, the idol, Sheng Shi,
After ten years, twelve stars covet the throne and fight for it, which consumes hundreds of hidden resources accumulated over the years, and gradually forms a three-legged situation.
In the middle of the dragon, the four-star heavenly evil, the seven-star heavenly orphan, the eleven-star tianwei heavenly demon star, the five-star celestial ghost star, the six-star celestial remnant and the twelve-star celestial illusion are evenly matched.
And the last foot of this tripod is Samsung Tianyin nine planets cat.
They remained neutral in the end, as if they didn’t want to get involved.
Now, the sacred ceremony will put an end to hundreds of sacred ceremonies of Kuixing Tianlong Erxing Tianyao Club, which has been heard for ten years. The battle between life and death will determine the outcome. When the deer dies, all the hundreds will be served by the temple master, so as to prevent the ten-year chaos in Tiandong!
This is the most popular saying before the holy sacrifice ceremony, whether it is to reassure the people or show it to heaven and man, no matter how kind-hearted and bitter it is, even the city tactic seems to be unbelievable
Not only is he the brother of the three generations of the twelve constellations, but no one believes that the chaos will stop here.
Because Liancheng is a bystander
Because they are all bystanders.
No one knows better than them that they covet the throne in an attempt to command hundreds of sects and stop the dragons and monsters!
Yu Zhuxing is just afraid of these two people’s advanced practice before he is willing to step back.
If the Long Xing Demon Star loses both sides at the Holy Sacrifice Ceremony, their supporters will not hesitate to take the opportunity, and at that time, it is very likely that the Hundred Clans will be torn apart.
And this is by no means a sight that your brothers and sisters would like to see.
They were born in Xingchuan and grew up in the temple of Xingchuan. The statue has never failed since childhood, believing that Baizongmen is a beautiful and harmonious home.
They will not watch the beautiful homeland in their memory follow the footsteps of the monastery and be removed from the world.
So they did everything they could to give it a try this time!
The star has a picture.
That’s nine planets Chuan, where there are hundreds of clans.
There is a towering old tree, a square stone table, four stone benches and seven distinguished and distinguished young people in the painting.
When the two figures walked side by side from the forest to the ancient tree, the seven silent young people gathered together and saluted them.
Jun Zeyu, the king of East Chu, who is already one person and ten thousand people, humbly reciprocates.
Then he took a few more steps, turned around, and you other disciples tied for the ceremony.
Tiandong three generations brother first big brother Liancheng tactic nodded his head.
He solemnly holds his fist. "The day is the holy sacrifice ceremony. The future luck depends on your younger brothers!"
Nine constellations Junze Jade Two Constellations djinn Four Constellations Mulang Evil Jun Five Constellations Xiaowu Six Constellations Ye Xichao Seven Constellations Lonely Thousand Eleven Constellations Greedy Wolf and the loss of the Pu Yuan Qiao’s brother and sister two common disciples in disguise … Everyone swore that "the brothers must advance and retreat together!"
Chapter 31 Holy Sacrifice Ceremony ()
The sun is surrounded by aura, like a hundred disciples walking in the sky, and the mountains are beautiful.
At noon in the morning, thousands of believers came to attend the sacred ceremony around the temple in the heart of Xingchuan.
There are hundreds of patriarchs and elders, a new generation of young and famous Jun Yanzhu, a representative of Tiandong aristocratic family, wealthy businessmen and wealthy Jia, and a famous celebrity of the throne of Eastern Chu.
Hundreds of schools in Tiandong, the land of Zhong Ling Yuxiu, have not shown such a grand scene to the world for many years.
No matter how quiet it was, it was a decade of chaos, and even if it retired, it must not be ignored.
Because there is no idol, there are still 100 holy lords who are famous, and the twelve stars are in charge.
Tiansheng today is the era of ten days’ revelation, and it is also the era of robbing the venerable, and no one in the ranks of robbing the environment can deny the strength of the twelve stars.
The hundred centennial sacred ceremonies, even the Tiandong grand event, have made all parties in heaven pay close attention to all the movements here.
For example, the demon star Lord of Long Xing is fighting over who will die.
Of course, people’s hearts hide behind their bellies, and no one knows what those eyes really want to see the ending.
It’s already noon
Passion is overflowing, and the sun shines through the mottled Woods, and it is beautiful and lush, with mountains and green fields.
The mountain breeze blew through countless young leaves and shook them, waving happily to all the visitors.
The long-awaited sacred ceremony seems to make them jump for joy …
An altar was set up in front of the temple.
There are various sacrificial incense tables on the altar.
There are sacred flags on both sides, and the flags are painted with obscure and easy-to-read doorways.
The blue bird fell on the ancient tree next to the temple, and its young body shook with the treetops swaying gently. It stared at the door of the temple and looked at hundreds of sentient beings, wondering what to think.
The first item of the sacred ceremony is to participate in the sacred ceremony.
On whether the temple still bears the true body of the holy Lord, even though the main matter of this holy sacrifice ceremony is to elect and lead hundreds of new lords, these ancient ceremonies that engrave the hearts of hundreds of disciples must be done step by step and cannot be missed
The blue bird flapped its wings and flew in surprise.
Kuixing Tianlong led the twelve-star gaze into the temple, and then knelt in front of the statue of respecting the law in an orderly and pious manner.
Behind them, hundreds of patriarchs entered the temple one after another according to their seniority, and soon the outside of the temple, together with the mountains in front of the green field plain, was full of worshippers.
There is endless praise for the twelve stars from the holy one.
In front of the first resplendent and magnificent giant palace in Xingchuan, when the sage was dressed in a Confucian robe and polite, Liancheng tactic resolutely turned around.
He entered the Long Xing Jindian with firm and powerful steps … After twelve days, his brother Liancheng, a dragon constellation, set foot on the Long Xing Jindian for the first time.


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    首先,南坪上海城FF PARTY K是一个不容错过的K歌天堂。这里提供长达6.7小时的欢唱时间,仅需68元,还能享受到12瓶指定9水和果盘。炎炎夏日,约上三五好友,来到这里,尽情欢唱,释放压力,享受欢乐时光。 其次,上海的夜市也是K歌的好去处。比如外滩枫径夜市、长宁天山夜市、泗泾夜市、周浦夜市和彭浦幸福夜市等。在这些夜市中,你可以一边品尝各种美食,一边K歌,让美食与音乐相伴,尽情享受夜晚的乐趣。 此外,上海卡拉OK的发展历史悠久,许多KTV场所也成为了夜晚的好去处。比如复兴公园钱柜KTV,虽然曾经关闭,但经过整修后,又成为了年轻人夜晚娱乐的胜地。在这里,你可以尽情地唱歌,释放心中的激情。 值得一提的是,上海的一些特色景区也提供了丰富的K歌体验。比如【上海寻梦源·梦水乡】,这里有梅花、樱花、马鞭草、菊花、粉黛、向日葵、醉蝶花、法国薰衣草等众多花卉,还有大屏K歌、台球、棋牌、麻将、乒乓球、桌游、汉服美拍等娱乐项目。在这里,你可以在赏花的同时,尽情K歌,感受不一样的夜晚。 夏天来临时,闵行的夜生活更是精彩纷呈。在古美路街道,你可以参加66上海夜生活节·今夜更上海活动,享受商旅文体展览和多种主题的夜间活动。美食、市集、荧光皮划艇和星空下的露天电影构成了越夜越精彩的浦江镇夜晚。而在浦江万达广场,你可以参加研学夏令营、全民K歌挑战赛等活动,感受夜生活的魅力。 总之,上海夜晚的K歌好去处众多,无论你是喜欢热闹的夜市,还是偏爱安静的KTV,都能在这里找到适合自己的娱乐方式。在这个充满活力的都市中,让我们一起享受音乐带来的快乐,畅享上海的夜晚。
