In this array, it is from Ren Huang’s reading to him that the meaning is to wake up and be strange, but Wang Xuan has another income

He has repeatedly realized that Ren Huang has learned the periphery of his mandala from this large array in his hundred years of practice.
A thought of many evil spirits and stars can be woven into this array to trap and kill the strong enemy, and it is also his bloodless tooth and Buddha’s confidence.
It is natural to rearrange the Dihuang world when there is a map.
Baoguang Daxian did not continue to inquire, but looked at the array figure and frowned and mused, "It is not impossible for Terran to cooperate with Guangyuan Daoyou’s new Shinto."
"But this array needs a lot of resources if you want to make a cloth. You Wuyao stars are bigger than building a patrol army, and it is even difficult to raise it."
Wang Xuan sink a way, "I’ll think of some way to decorate these two predecessors."
After bidding farewell to the two men, Wang Xuan returned to the quiet room of Marshal’s Mansion and put the tactic of busy operation. When he opened his eyes again, he returned to the town prison temple.
On the ground, Alfred called for two times.
Wang Xuan was slightly surprised, then smiled and flicker, and then he came to the periphery of the heavenly prison to hand over and said, "I have seen several predecessors."
Old Longgamorro quipped, "You’re a little famous now, so let’s wait for a while."
"Don’t blame your predecessors."
Wang Xuan hurriedly invited everyone into the town prison temple.
After sitting, the atmosphere became serious.
Huo Dexing Jun sighed, "You really made waves by suppressing the blood tooth Buddha with the power of heaven, but you put yourself in the forefront."
"But I can take it one step at a time. It’s a gift from the master to you. It’s a congratulations on practicing."
Say a wave of his hand.
Purple mixed yuan rune slowly flew to Wang Xuan.
Wang Xuan peered carefully to see that this magical charm is between the actual situation and the virtual shadow circulation of the fairy seal is actually some kind of similar rhyme.
He knew at a glance that it was extraordinary.
The Taoist rhyme of the Three Realms is not only the most precious thing in heaven and earth, but also reflected in the forms of myriad changes, such as spiritual mines, innate gods and even ancestors.
Mixing Yuan and Yi Di Jun’s doubts about deities and symbols includes his own understanding of the avenue, which can make a virtual blow.
But Wang Xuan wondered, "What is the Emperor going to do?"
If you plan to stay out of it, there is no need to shut up the Buddha.
But it’s really confusing to send the charm and ask for a gift in the name of Huo Dexing Jun.
After three chaos, he dare not look down upon these tens of thousands of old monsters.
Huo Dexing Jun also sighed, "Master’s move will be meaningful, but I can’t guess it."
"Always be careful to ask you to stay in Heaven. Even if the Emperor comes here, he will not risk the collapse of Heaven, otherwise it will be all powerful enemies."
"to live is to hope that maybe we can usher in a turning point."
Wang Xuan nods, "Thank you for your advice."
After a greeting, they were all in order to leave the temple and suddenly seemed a little Kuang.
Wang Xuan looked thoughtfully at the charm in his hand.
At that time, the catastrophe in the Three Realms changed, and some news gradually came out.
Tai Su’s layout of Daojun was designed to seize the throne of hades, and many great powers of the three realms were divided into two factions.
Supporters include Qingxu Miaoyuan Daojun, the wheel Buddha and so on.
Qing Xu Miao Yuan Dao’s brother Gou Xuan Tian Zun faked his death when he attacked the underworld.
Hanging out with the free and unfettered emperor is personally motivated to kill and rob.
There are also those who look on coldly, such as the mixed emperor, the Taoist king of Yin and Yang, the Taoist king of Tai Qing and others.
Now, it’s a little beyond his expectation that Hunyuan and Taixu can make moves. Can’t they sit still when they see that he can find a way out?
Wang Xuan’s eyes were slightly cold and his mind sank into the charm.
He doesn’t trust anyone now, no matter how good it is, he should check it and be careful to leave a back door.
Just like when Wang Xuan was confronted with the holy deity of Youdu Wanhua, he instantly fell into a dreamland and felt chaotic.
It’s like the beginning of the world, but there’s another mystery
This mass of chaos crashed and burst, and finally it slowly turned into a human shape. All kinds of avenue sounds echoed in Wang Xuan’s ears
"The weather is in the lungs, the earth is in the stomach, the atmosphere is in the liver, and the thunder is in the heart … the six meridians and the stomach and the sea … chaos and nature are all in the body …"
I don’t know how long it took Wang Xuan to wake up slowly.
He has some strange eyes.
This mixed-yuan emperor did not leave any secret door, but it was absolutely unexpected that the source solution was leaked out.
At the moment, there is a "Mixed Yuan Congenital Method" on the deduction plate of Heaven.
Wang Xuanqian’s "Mixed Yuan Xing Jing" was originally integrated and deduced, and now it is completely completed.
With the help of this Dafa, the progress of the second-level deduction of the "Mandala of the Mixed Stars" suddenly rose to 71%
The speed is also much faster.
This is the first time that this has happened.
Wang Xuan, if you think in your heart, this deduction disk of heaven should be similar to some kind of computer. The more information is given, the faster it is deduced.
It seems that in the future, it is necessary to find a way to collect the method that constitutes the mandala of mixed stars.
Suddenly he felt something in his heart and looked into the distance, and his face became dignified.
A vast desert island deep in Lei Yun.
The magnificent altar has been built, and nearly 100,000 wild ancient barbarians worship and lead people to worship around the altar.
The flame is burning and the smoke fills the air, which is almost the essence of mind convergence, making the flame smoke rise straight and disappear, and I don’t know where to go


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