"To solve these refugees, Taiyuan government must carry out large-scale reclamation like Datong government."

"Although you gave the official one million and two hundred silver for the official Taiyuan government to settle the refugees, the official said that even if you gave the official one million and two hundred silver, there were not enough fertile land and wasteland. More and more refugees in Taiyuan government settled the wasteland …"
Wei Zheng frowned with a puzzled face and asked, "If there is no land, buy it from those landlords, officials and gentry. If they don’t sell it, try to force them to sell it to us …"
Speaking of which, Wei Zheng directly told his Datong mansion a way to come out
But to Wei Zheng’s disappointment, after hearing this method, Wang Yang’s worried expression on his face still didn’t ease at all.
After taking a deep breath, he replied to Wei Zheng, "My Lord, you said that this method was also considered by the official … but the official admitted that this method may be available in other state capitals but not in Taiyuan …"
"You have this method for ordinary landlords and officials, but not for the largest landlord and official in Taiyuan."
"Because more than 70% of the land in Taiyuan fell into the hands of the King of Jin, it became the property of Jin Wangfu … Jin Wangfu has been acting in a fashionable way and the powerful financial officer is worried that even if we go out of the silver Jin Wangfu, we will not sell these lands …"
"The king of Jin is our prince of the dynasty, and there are thousands of people guarding Jin Wangfu. Even if you give an official a bold one, you dare not put a refugee into the city to attack Jin Wangfu …"
"Otherwise, the King of Jin will not only be held accountable by the court, but even adults will be implicated. After all, Datong Prefecture is also under the jurisdiction of the governor of Shanshan …"
"Jin Wangfu …" Wang Yang woke up Wei Zhengma and thought of the last person he wanted to face in Taiyuan City, that is, the big royal family Shanxi represented Dajin King …
When Wei Zheng was ordered to be the general commander of Shanxi Province, Wei Zheng was unwilling to come to Taiyuan and suggested that the court move Company commanders mansion, Shanxi Province to Datong.
One aspect is that Wu Baotian, the governor of Shanxi Province, is not sure whether he can get along with the whole governor Wu Baotian once he enters Taiyuan to defend himself.
Will Wu Baotian, the governor of Shanxi, secretly destroy his Shanxi territory and make various layouts?
Another reason is that the king of Jin …
Wei Weizheng, the eldest relative, even though he is in Shanxi, the general commander is more than the current governor of Shanxi. After seeing him, he has to do something worse with a big gift …
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Jin Wangfu has been built in Taiyuan. After hundreds of years of development, Jin Wangfu’s sphere of influence can definitely be said to be deep into every corner of Taiyuan. Once Jin Wangfu finds out that he has a bad layout, he will have to turn against the court before he is ready.
These results are definitely not that Wei Zheng wants to see Wei Zheng stationed in Taiyuan and visited Taiyuan. During this period, Wei Zheng, the governor of Shanshan, never went to Jin Wangfu to meet the so-called big prince Jin Wang …
Now that Wang Yang has come out of this problem, he has directly forced himself to face the title of King Jin, which is much higher than his big prince.
Taking a deep breath, the defender had to meet Wang Yang and look at his eyes and answer, "The problem of Jin Wangfu must not be foolhardy …"
After saying that, the defender was silent and lost in thought.
Yu Wangyang and Wang Zhongyu also lost in thought about possible solutions.
It is absolutely impossible to intimidate the king of Jin, the great prince, by force, because thousands of soldiers in the palace of Jin can never be defeated by an unarmed’ refugee’
Besides, according to the big laws, the garrison troops everywhere have the responsibility to protect the kings. Once the Jin Palace is attacked by the so-called "refugees", the court in Beijing will lose face.
At that time, dozens of civil and military officials in Taiyuan government may be reprimanded and punished by the court even more than themselves, and their hard layout in Shanxi may be destroyed.
The way that I used to deal with landlords, officials and gentry in Datong House was definitely not worth the candle.
Since sending troops to threaten doesn’t work, it’s left to discuss this road with Jin Wangfu.
However, according to my own historical memory, at the end of the dynasty, more than a dozen princes were very greedy, and they would never compromise unless they were forced to be greedy.
How to force Jin Wangfu to agree to his request to take out the surplus land in his hand and sell it to the government?
But to Wei Zheng’s disappointment, half an hour passed and there was still no specific solution in my mind. At this time, Wei Zheng had to answer this question first and said to Wang Yang
"Wang’s adult, General Wang, you two go back first and I’ll solve this problem …"
"What are you going to do early in the morning? Let’s go to visit the king of Jin together. If the king of Jin really doesn’t know, then think about the solution according to the actual situation …"
Jin Wangfu is a resplendent hall. After drinking two cups of tea, Wei Zheng finally saw a fat king of Jin.
Although the big princes have lofty status and status, due to the patriarchal system and various restrictions, the only thing that the sovereign can do is to keep collecting money for the back cover and choose the princess to give birth to the king. Every day, they have to eat delicious food.
By the end of the dynasty, this kind of environment was conferred by Zhu Yuanzhang on more than a dozen princes, and almost everyone became a rare fat …
In the face of this so-called prince Wei Zheng, I was unwilling and forced to smile and gave a strong speech to the king of Jin. Then I spoke frankly when I told the king of Jin the purpose of my trip. I hope that the king of Jin can sell the land department of Taiyuan, which is in ruins, to the government.
Let Wei Zheng down. Although Jin Wang is a big fat man, his brain is not confused …
As soon as Wei Zheng finished speaking, a sly smile peculiar to businessmen appeared in the face of the king of Jin.
Wei Zheng stared at me with a hard face to answer, "Wei’s adult, you are too highly of my Jin Wangfu …"
"Say it out and let Wei’s adult laugh at me. Although Jin Wangfu occupies so much land, it produces very little. Wei’s adult may not know that in addition to these people, Jin Wangfu has the court’s permission to establish thousands of guards scattered around and tens of thousands of tenants to feed …"
"Plus this year’s drought, Jin Wangfu’s land is much, but he produces very little, just enough to meet the tens of thousands of people’s rations … Once Jin Wangfu sells these lands to Taiyuan, tens of thousands of tenants and thousands of guards of Jin Wangfu will be hungry because of this …"
"The so-called please who’s adult understanding is not that the king doesn’t want to sell these lands to Taiyuan, but that Wang Gen has no extra land to sell to Taiyuan.
In the face of Jin Wang’s lying explanation, Wei Zheng was filled with anger, but Jin Wang looked at him and didn’t show it. Instead, he was lost in thought again by drinking tea …
At this moment, the king of Jin took a word to Wei Zheng and directly made Wei Zheng’s eyes bright and a thoughtful face think of something.
"Who’s adult since the emperor sealed you shanshan governor that the whole Shanxi JingAn should be in your charge …"


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