
Lobular exclaim one
"shh!" Jishu made a gesture to Xiaoye. "Don’t bring the security guard here. Let’s go to the forest and ask about the situation."
Dahua nodded and three people dragged the shadow into the forest. The lobular face was staggered, and Dahua also stared.
"What’s the matter? Why do you all look like this?"
Jishu clapped her hands on the dirt. She was just so excited that she didn’t stabilize and helped all over the floor.
"This man … is our canteen cutter Du Yu!"
Dahua can hold a piece of paper in his brow.
Ye Chunzhi pulled a long face. "Yes, this person has been in our canteen for more than a month. It is a new recruit to match the recent good business."
She said angrily, "Dee, you say it! Is everyone treating you badly? Why did you do such a thing? "
Du Yu murmured "meowed this thing".
Ji Shu saw that he was totally embarassed, but he was very thin in his twenties. He was neither tall nor short, and his flat head looked quite simple.
"Komori, I am the boss of Ji, so I ask you what are you sneaking around? What do you want to run and hide without doing anything wrong? "
Komori lifted up his face and burst into tears. "I told you, but you mustn’t tell the police."
Ye Chunzhi patted his head. "Don’t say it quickly! Boss Xiaoji is the fairest. If you haven’t done anything bad, can you still be wronged? "
"I didn’t tell the police something yesterday …"
Little Dutton is still hesitating.
Ji Shu said, "Go on!"
"My family has been making trouble recently. A few days ago, I went to Chuhua Street to buy medicine. I just walked to the door of the store. A man took me and asked me if I wanted to buy medicine. What a coincidence. How do you know? The man said that he got a batch of medicine from the north, which was cheap and effective. "
"Did you buy it?"
"I will not buy it! But the man pushed a car with some live mice in it. He got some white particles and sprinkled them on a small piece of steamed bread to feed the mice. "
Ye Chunzhi, Dahua and Ji Shu all listened attentively.
Komori swallowed saliva and said nervously, "It’s amazing! The mouse in the cage ate for a minute and then died! I have never seen such a severe drug consumption. Recently, it was spring. I rented a house and there were many mice in the alley. I saw such a magical drug consumption and I bought it. "
Ji Shu has a bad feeling in his heart that such a strong toxicity sounds like □□ ah!
She saw a post called tetramethylene disulfone tetramine when surfing the front net.
This is a highly toxic neurotoxin, which is twice as strong as what the people say! Color, taste and odor
This pesticide was first synthesized by Bayer Company in Germany in 1949. In 1998 * 9, a scientific research institution produced this product without approval because of the rampant rodent infestation in the north.
Because the effect is excellent and the price is cheap, it has become a hot list for killing rats and bullies. Many small vendors are peddling in the streets.
Then, due to its strong toxicity, it is often eaten by mistake. Later, this medicine was banned from production, but it was repeatedly banned because of its cheapness and good citizens.
"What did he say this medicine was called at that time?" JiShu frown asked
"He said it was called" three steps down ""
Dahua said, "Don’t make up stories. I haven’t even heard of your martial arts novels. I’m still half insane!"
Jishu shook his head and motioned Dahua not to interrupt.
□□ is the most popular name, but there are many aliases for tetramethylene disulfone tetramine, such as □
All these three steps are □□!
Du Yu went on to say, "He said it was called [Three Steps Down] and it was a new product. I really didn’t make up the story."
"Du, did you buy medicine or medicine? What is the poisoning of your own mouse and the canteen?"
Xiao Du said eagerly, "I bought the medicine and put it in my backpack. Because of the busy business these days, I forgot about it. Yesterday, something happened in the cafeteria. I didn’t think much about the police at first. When I didn’t notice it, they let me go home."
His voice became excited. "I suddenly saw a mouse at home when I got home. As soon as I remembered it, would this medicine have anything to do with school students’ poisoning?" Because the drug seller gave me a plastic bottle with white granules and didn’t write a word, I remember I took the bottle out at noon yesterday and studied it. Later, someone called me, so I put it on the kitchen table. The more I thought about it, the more worried I was that the cooks wouldn’t give it as salt, would they? I’m so anxious that the powder has no color packaging and is just a plastic. It’s really confusing to be busy! "
Ji Shu became nervous. "You mean maybe our master was wrong about your rat poison?"
Then the responsibility lies with the company! Although it is intended, this is a company that has failed to fulfill its management responsibilities and will definitely be severely punished!
Ye Chunzhi and Dahua both gasped and dared not speak a word. They all stared at Jishu.
Xiao Du said, "I remember the man who sold the medicine said that people should never eat this medicine. If they eat a little, they will vomit, dizzy and eat too much, and they will die. He said that he could bring medicine to mice. I went back to think about it. Isn’t this the same symptom as poisoning students in the canteen? I was so scared that I wanted to sneak over the window this morning to see if the medicine bottle was still on the table and had been touched. "
Xiaoye said, "Then let’s go and have a look! You make me sweat! Is it true that our master is wrong about salt? "
JiShu thoughtfully shook his head for a long time "if so, can you see? Can you remember how much was in the medicine bottle before and how much is left now? You may not see it. "
Du Yu was completely lost. Yes, even if the cook forgot a little, could he remember? This is what he didn’t expect before. He wanted to confirm it. Now he realizes that he can’t confirm it!
Du Yu was completely panicked, and his face was covered with sweat. It was like a sauna in winter. He just said, "I really don’t remember how many people will come."
Ji Shu’s mood sank to the bottom, and she was thinking about a sound behind her.
"I heard the boss Ji!"
Looking back, everyone is the former security guard at the door.
"I heard what this guy said!"
Uncle security is still holding the thermos cup in his hand. He said seriously, "You must tell the police about such a serious matter. You can’t hide it!"
Du Yu opened his mouth as if he were about to cry. "I really didn’t mean to let us go and see if the medicine was dropped. I tried my best to remember how much it was-"
Ji Shu is half squatting to listen to komori’s story and get up now.
"Uncle just heard it. We won’t hide it. I’ll take Du Yu to the police station if you don’t come."


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